



本来以为尼康D7000的“红点门”是多大事的,没想到人家一个固件就给解决了,这下就没了推迟购机的理由了,唯一不足的是价格还是虚高。唉,要不是我们天朝的政策好,房子不要枉花那么多血汗钱,相机早就买了。 据尼康美国官网发布的消息说是亮点已经减少,注意是减少(has been reduced),如果升级了固件你的相机还是有亮点,那你再找尼康去吧。

“Bright spots were sometimes noticeable with live view mode or movie recording of especially dark scenes or subjects. Occurrence of this issue has been reduced.”
尼康日本官方网站固件下载地址:http://www.nikon-image.com/support/downloads/digitalcamera/firmware/index.htm 尼康中文官方网站固件下载地址:http://nikonasia-sc.custhelp.com/app/answers/list/p/101/kw/D7000/c/240/search/1 尼康升级固件说明:http://nikonasia-sc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6939

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抽个时间把尼康D7000各个方面资料好好整理下。 目前有两种套机可选,套头分别为18-105VR和18-200VRII,Amazon.com上已经有预定了,单机是$1199.00,18-105VR的套头是$1499.00。顺便说下,佳能的60D在京东上也有预定了,单机价格¥6999,18-135套头的价格是¥9199。 尼康宣布将这款机型定位于D90和D300S之间,即中端(Middle),而D90则为初中级,这也证明了D7000根本不是D90的后续机型。 D300S和D90将会同期销售到年底,这样有更多的人纠结了,杯具~ D7000具备与D300S同等的防水防尘能力,机身易受到冲击的部分为镁铝合金构造,其余小部分为塑料外壳 尼康D7000采用最新APS-C画幅(DX画幅)1620W有效的像素的CMOS传感器,最大记录分辨率为4,928×3,264。这是目前尼康DX画幅相机中像素最高的一款,也是包括尼康全画幅数码相机在内仅次于D3x(2450W)第二高像素机型!同时,D7000也具备超声波除尘功能。 常用感度为ISO100~6400,扩展可达ISO25600 搭载新型EXPEED2处理概念 降低噪点的同时,提升了画质 全新开发的Multi CAM 4800DX对焦元件,发展了尼康中端机型一贯的优秀对焦性能

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Nikon D7000正式发布-子痕的博客

Nikon D7000正式发布

Nikon D7000盼啊盼,从知道D80到想买D90再到今天的D7000,终于盼到了D7000的发布。 D7000增加了三大新功能:

  • Newly developed Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor [NEW]
  • Magnesium alloy employed for the body/Superior weather-resistant and anti-dust capabilities
  • AF system featuring high-density 39 focus points [NEW]
  • 一些新的亮点:
  • Approx. 16.2 effective megapixels. Employs newly developed Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor.
  • New image-processing engine "EXPEED 2" that achieves high image quality, high-speed image processing, multi functions and efficient energy saving.
  • Wide sensitivity range of ISO 100 to 6400, expandable to Hi 2 (ISO 25600 equivalent).
  • Newly developed AF system featuring 39 focus points including 9 cross-type sensors in the center of the frame.
  • Scene Recognition System with improved accuracy by utilizing newly developed 2,016-pixel RGB sensor.
  • Full HD (1,920×1,080, 24p) movie-recording function "D-Movie", compatible with external stereo microphone featuring high image quality and operability.
  • Viewfinder employing glass pentaprism features approx. 100% frame coverage and approx. 0.94x high-magnification.
  • Light and rugged magnesium alloy employed for top and rear covers. Secure sealing achieves superior weather-resistant and anti-dust capabilities. ...more
  • Double SD card slots, SDXC compatible.
  • Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D11 that employs magnesium alloy for exterior cover features seamless switching of power feeding with the battery of the D7000.
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